Ever see that your favorite player is heading to an injured list and you just wonder why? You didn’t see them get injured while making a play on the field or on the ice. Well, here are the hidden, funniest sports injures of all time. I guarantee they’ll cause you to shake your head and ask, “Just what the hell were they thinking?”
Sammy Sosa: Missed three weeks with a back injury after he sneezed violently.
Brent Mayne: Checked for traffic before crossing the street, pulled a neck muscle.
Adam Eaton: Accidentally stabbed himself while trying to open a DVD case with a steak knife.
Mariano Rivera: Tied his shoes, threw out his back.
Steve Sparks: Friends challenged him to a phone book tearing contest—he dislocated his shoulder.
John Smoltz: Ironed a shirt…while he was wearing it.
Glenallen Hill: Had a dream he was being chased by a giant spider. He jumped
out of bed and sliced open his foot on a glass table.
Moises Alou: Woke up this morning.
Clint Barmes: Broke his collarbone by carrying deer meat up to his apartment.
Johnny Damon: Injured back by getting into a car.
Kevin Mitchell: Put a donut in the microwave. Microwave exploded.
Ricky Bones: Tore muscle in his hand while changing channels with a TV remote.
Roger Craig: Cut his hand while adjusting the strap of his wife’s bra.
Juan Sandoval: Shot in the face with a shotgun.
Jeff Cirillo: Hit a game winning home run, jumped into the air and threw his helmet to the ground. Twisted ankle when he stepped on the helmet.
Hunter Pence: Walked through a really clean, glass door.
Jimmy Gobble: Kicked a cactus barefoot.
Kazuo Matsui: Anal fissure. No more details needed.
Matt Morris: Jumped off a flight of stairs. Twisted ankle.
Julian Tavares: Broke hand by punching a dugout phone.
Keichi Yabu: Was using a Bowflex in the locker room when the strap snapped and sliced open his face.
Wade Belak: Bit by a spider.
Ron Tugnutt: Tied his shoes and pulled a groin muscle.
Eric Lindros: Showed up at the arena.
Manny Fernandez: Injured his back while blow drying his hair.
Jose Theodore: Broke ankle when he slipped on an icy driveway.
Brent Sopel: Threw out his back when he picked up a broken cracker off the floor.
Brian Griese: Sprained ankle after being chased by a dog.
Chris Hanson: Cut open his foot while chopping wood with an axe.
Jake Plummer: Injured foot while getting off the couch.
Ben Roethlisberger: Was given a motorcycle license.
Bill Grammatica: Kicked a football.
Robert Pratt: Ran out on the field for the coin toss. Pulled a hamstring.
Chase Blackburn: Suffered inner ear injury when he put a Q-tip in too far.
Max McGee: Fell off the roof while cleaning the gutters on his house.
Magic Johnson: Had unprotected sex.
Darryl Dawkins: Sliced open hand while washing a broken dinner plate.
Tony Allen: After the whistle blew and play was dead, he attempted to slam dunk a ball. Tore his ACL.
Drew Gooden: Infected hair follicle.
Kevin Johnson: Dislocated shoulder while giving his team mate a hug.
Other Wonderful Sports
John Furyk: Injured his neck while brushing his teeth.
Lee Trevino: Got struck by lightning.
Kevin Kyle: Received first degree burns on his pubic region when someone threw a pot of boiling water at him.
Dale Earnhardt: Accelerated.